Dynamite Explosions

The Illustrated Police News etc (London, England), Saturday, May 12, 1894; Issue 1578. British Library Newspapers, Part I: 1800-1900. 

There was a dynamite explosion outside a doctors office which occurred at a quarter past eleven that Thursday night. Dr. Rensen and his wife were both severely injured. The bottom half of the house was destroyed, leaving the top half falling apart. The two were having a small gathering at their house with another medical friend, doctor Bodzrt. He was left with only a small leg injury. A stranger passing by was injured as well but the exact injuries that applied were not stated.

The first thing that stood out to me was that a dynamite explosion isn't exact natural. It's not like its a hurricane or a tornado in which occurs from the Earth we can not stop from happening. It is also simply not common. I don't remember the last time I put on the news and saw a dynamite explosion. Yes this situation happened many years ago but I cant imagine it was a popular thing. 

It was then stated that there was another dynamite explosion that following Thursday. There seems to be a trend going on here. It appears there could be a serial bomber of some sorts that attacks on Thursdays. This ons occurred outside the house of the head of an engineering firm. This explosion did lead to someone's death. The trail of action is cruel and unusual with no sighs of explanation.


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